You can refer yourself to the First Contact Practitioner (FCP) via your GP reception. You will be assessed by one our FCP’s, Steven Barrett or Steph Limbert.
Your request will be looked in the surgery and we will decide whether the FCP can help with your condition.
You will then be contacted to offer you an appointment, at your practice or a nearby practice.
You can be assessed and seen for:-
- All soft tissue injuries, sprains or sports injuries – upper and lower limb
- Arthritis – any joint
- Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bone, eg tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
- Spinal pain including lower back pain, thoracic and neck pain, arm / leg symptoms + / neurological symptoms eg, pins and needles
- Mobility changes
Please note we cannot see:-
- Under 16
- Acutely unwell
- Pelvic health
- Housebound patients
- Medical management of rheumatoid conditions and other medication reviews
- Neurological and respiratory conditions
- Headaches
- Acute mental health crisis